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\Digital Products
& Experiences Digital+
Branding Design Systems
\Digital Asset Management

Digital Products
and Experiences

Digital Products are changing how we interact with the world. Continuous Transformation is the new black for every industry. We help and accompany forward-thinking Partners, Companies, and Organizations to stay ahead and embrace constant Digital Change, by creating outstanding class-leading Digital Products and Experiences.


  • Ideation
  • Digital Creativity
  • Digital Strategy
  • Creative Direction
  • Digital Transformation
  • Continuous Transformation
  • Digital Change
  • Consulting


  • Art Direction
  • Product Design
  • Design Thinking
  • Information Architecture
  • Digital Service Design
  • User Experience Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Motion Design
  • Design Systems


  • Web Platform
  • Custom App Development
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Svelte, SvelteKit, Vue
  • GSAP Animations
  • Cloud Native Computing
  • Serverless

Digital+ Branding

Digital+ Branding stands for our strategic and creative digital-first branding approach. The Digital Image is the first Brand-Touchpoint, which should find its intellectual continuity in other media. Great brands are inventions. They project the uniqueness and value associated with the ideas that firmly stand behind the individual visions of companies. We pioneered Digital+Print Fusion over two decades ago and build Brand Identities to stand out and communicate your unique message and values.


  • Ideation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Creative Strategy
  • Brand Strategy
  • Digital+ Strategy
  • Brand Transformation
  • Digital+Print Fusion
  • Consulting


  • Art Direction
  • Brand Creativity
  • Digital-first Brand Image
  • Brand and Identity
  • Digital+ Design
  • Rebranding
  • Typography
  • Iconography
  • Logo Design

Identity System

  • Design Systems
  • Visual Identity
  • Corporate Identity
  • Brand Identity
  • Digital Identity

Design Systems

Design Systems extend the brand image to Digital Products. They provide unparalleled consistency, efficiency, speed, and scale for design and development teams ⸻ a universal single source of truth comprising three main areas: style guide, component library, and pattern library. The atomic nature of a Master Design System ⸻ like our own Active Surface DS ⸻ can perfectly aid several individual Design Systems for different Brands. We build Design Systems which accelerate the Design and Development of highly engaging Digital Products and put a strong emphasis on flexibility and the individual vision and characteristic of a brand.


  • Ideation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Creative Strategy
  • Creative Direction
  • Technological Strategy
  • DS Strategy
  • Consulting


  • Art Direction
  • Design Philosophy
  • Design Principles
  • Product Brand Image
  • Visual Identity
  • Motion Identity
  • Typographic Identity
  • Iconography
  • Grid Systems


  • Style Guides
  • Design Guidelines
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Component Libraries
  • Pattern Libraries
  • Design System Automation

Digital Asset Management

Continuous changes to consumer-facing technology, communication strategies delivered through design, as well as the sheer amount of evolving digital channels and platforms, require a stable and intelligent way to manage digital assets. We are experts in custom-built Digital Asset Management systems, which future-proof investments in digital content and make it available as a multichannel or omnichannel data source.


  • Strategic Planning
  • Digital+ Strategy
  • Meta-Data Assessment
  • Digital Transformation
  • Continous Transformation
  • Brand Asset Management
  • Media Asset Management
  • DAM / MAM / PIM
  • Consulting


  • Information Architecture
  • Digital Product Design
  • Multichannel
  • Omnichannel
  • User-Centered Design
  • CX Design
  • User Experience Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Design Systems


  • Serverless
  • Cloud Native Computing
  • HA (High Availability)
  • HP (High Performance)
  • HS (High Scalability)
  • PWA Progressive Web
  • DDD Domain-Driven Design
  • Clean Architecture
  • CQRS


Continuous Digital
Transformation for
Cultural Institutions

Culture plays a critical role in the projection of ideas and has a crucial influence on how we perceive the world. A highly diverse world, in fact. We are strong believers that digital technology, together with design, which goes beyond craft, will have a decisive impact on making world cultures more accessible and comprehensible. The implications this brings to mutual understanding in the world cannot be underestimated. We engage in projects with a powerful cultural mission and help institutions translate it into highly engaging Digital Experiences and new digital-first channels for cultural interaction.


  • Ideation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Creative Strategy
  • Creative Direction
  • Digital+ Strategy
  • Digital Transformation
  • Continous Transformation
  • Digital Change
  • Consulting


  • Art Direction
  • Information Architecture
  • Digital-first Cultural Image
  • Digital+ Brand Identity
  • Art×Culture Design
  • Design+Art Fusion
  • Experimental Design
  • Digital Product Design
  • UX/UI Design


  • Digital Experiences
  • Digital Channels for Culture
  • Creative Web Development
  • Custom App Development
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Design Systems
  • Digital Asset Management
  • DAM / MAM / PIM
Shout when all are still,
Be still when all shout.
From the Modulus
Design Manifesto, 1996